Submitting to an exercise

How to Submit an Exercise to CG Cookie

Depending on which exercises are available you have a few ways to participate. To participate by submitting your exercise submission, a paid Citizen subscription is required. 

Step One - Click Submit Exercise button

Make sure you're logged in and have membership access. 

Step two - Fill out your exercise submission

There are five different types of exercises you may participate in: 

  • Image Exercises - Upload a render of your work, 
  • File Exercises - Upload a .zip, pdf, or .blend file
  • Text Exercises - Send your submission from the online text editor,
  • Video Exercises - Link in your Vimeo or Youtube video, 
  • SketchFab - Create a SketchFab Account, and link your model submission on CG Cookie

Image Exercises

Image Exercises are the most common, and typically involve fewer steps to submit your Exercises. To make sure your submission shines the best, keep in mind these image rules:

  • Recommended image types and dimensions: .jpgs 1280px wide and 720px tall. You are able to upload larger ones, it just may alter how the image is displayed on the site.
  • The image file size should be less than 5MB is size.

File Exercises

This allows you to submit files with their submission. The uploader supports multiple, large files at a single time. This requires a two-step process to upload. 

  • First, add in your title and description
  • Secondly, upload your files for your submission.

Text Exercises

Text Submissions enable you to have students submit things such as code, or narrative for a writing class.

Video Exercises

In this type of Exercise, customers will be able to supply a link to any public video on YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

SketchFab Exercises free account is required to participate in these Exercises.However they are pretty excited to be involved in. Uploading your 3D work and allowing the community to review your wireframe, shading and topology through a single window is pretty neat!

By default models uploaded to Sketchfab are set in Draft Mode, disallowing your model to be shared with the world. Once you are ready to share your model as an exercise submission you will need to publish your model by clicking the Publish Model button.

To create a SketchFab exercise submission you will need to click on the  Submit Exercise button on the exercise page under the exercise video. Start by filling out the form and then type in your SketchFab Username in the username field, and click the search button to look up the published models on your account. With your model(s) listed, select the model you want to submit and click Add Submission

If your model is not listed you will need to make sure it has been published on your SketchFab account. 

After you've successfully submitted an Exercise, take some time to vote and offer feedback on other artists that have submitted. This is great practice for you to offer constructive critiques, a skill every artist should hold.

Keep an eye out for feedback!

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