Member Portfolio Profile
If you're a member of CG Cookie, you're part of an excellent community of all kinds of artists. Help us get to know you better!
You can customize it to your liking by uploading a profile picture, header image, adding a personal description, and linking to your website or other social media accounts.
Click on the "Profile" link underneath your member avatar menu in the top-right corner. This will bring you to your profile page here on CG Cookie. From there click the "Edit" link next to your username to reveal the editing window.
Member Profile Features
- Gallery Projects: displays all of your uploaded images,
- XP: Displays the amount of XP you have + the game level you're at
- Questions: Did you ask a question on the site? Curious if it has been answered or need to revisit it?
- Badges: An admittedly underdeveloped section of the site, when you completely consume 100% of a course a badge will be awarded!