Is the site online?
From time to time you may run into an instance where the site is not behaving how it is expected to, or worse you are unable to access the site at all. To help troubleshoot if the site is indeed down, there are a couple things you can do.
Search Site Status
There are several of these online, so search "Is it down or just me" in your preferred search engine to pick from the lot of them. A good one is
Try another Browser
9 out of 10 times this will let you know if it is something local or if it is a global issue with the site. If you are able to test in another browser this will quickly rule out if a browser add-on or extension is not playing nice with the site.
Keep an eye on our community + Social Networks
If CG Cookie is offline and the crew is aware of it. We do our best to update the community via our social channels: Facebook + Twitter.
Contact Support
If we don't have the outage listed on our support page, we may not know about it ourselves. So please send us an e-mail to and a crew member will be able to sound the alarm bell. :)