Student Gallery
What is the Student Gallery?
Part of being an artist is putting yourself out there, getting feedback, and even surviving a negative critique of your work.
While browsing the gallery you're encouraged to leave feedback on your peers' images, potentially earning more XP yourself along the way.
Uploading your images to the gallery
While viewing the CG Cookie Student Gallery, any Free, Citizen or Citizen member is able to share their artwork by clicking on the Add Project button in the upper right corner.
Step 01: Add some information about your project:
Step 02: Adding Media
You are able to add multiple images, embed a video from Youtube or Vimeo + Sketchfab Embed all within the same project.
Be sure to also add in your custom Project Cover for your project.
Make Public
Keep your project in Draft if you're still working on it and not ready to show the world. Once you're ready for the project to show up in the CG Cookie gallery, click the "Make Public" button.
Managing your gallery images.
Decide to edit an image or remove it entirely? Sort the Student Gallery by "My Projects". Click on the one you'd like to edit and then click on the three-dot menu to edit.
Common questions related to the gallery
Why are my gallery images darker after upload?
CG Cookie recommends uploading JPG file formats of your renders or photos to the gallery to have them shine their very best. 😎 They are smaller files and will hold more true to the original format while viewing online.
When you’re dealing with online photos and/or artwork. JPEGs offer you the most flexibility with raster editing and compression making them ideal for web images that need to be downloaded quickly. -
Would you like to know all about the various file formats? Read the full guide from 99Designs. -
Offsite Link: Image file formats: everything you’ve ever wanted to know
What is considered mature content on CG Cookie?
Mature content is defined as content that may not be suitable for some audiences, such as nudity, excessive violence, blood, and other mature themes. Controversial pieces related to ideologically sensitive materials may also fall under these restrictions.
In all cases CG Cookie reserves the right to remove these items if we deem it not appropriate for the community.
A good rule of them is keep it PG-13 or below. 👍
Marking your content as Mature
While creating your Gallery Project you have the option to check your content as Mature.
This will then add a Mature overlay to your projects thumbnail, making it unclickable to view the larger version of the Project, unless the member enables the viewing of Mature content.